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Terms & Conditions

At Kelecto Kart

we present our customers with state-of-the-art e-commerce security. All credit card and debit card transactions on our shopping area are protected so you can relax and enjoy the on-line shopping experience.
Return, Refund and Cancellation Policy
We want your complete satisfaction with every purchase that you make with Kelecto Kart. You can cancel your subscription after you have tried our product for 30 days from the day of purchase up until 3 days before the following months/year renewal is due. If you wish to cancel, you can do so by email or post. All products/Services will be delivered within a maximum of 48 working hours after cleared payment has been received.
Privacy Policy
The information we collect and use
By information we refer to information about you collected through our service website(s), including your email address and other information you provide to us by registering for our services or making requests for information about our services. Any information provided to us will be secured and used solely for the purposes of fulfilling your request for information, fulfilling a request through a site feature, performing and carrying out the terms of the service, or communicating with you as a member of the service.
Registration for the service is not required to simply view the site. If you elect to register for the service, Kelecto Kart asks you for information that enables us to provide the service. You will be registering with Kelecto Kart on the form provided and such registration may require you to provide contact information such as your name and email address.
Aggregate Information
From time to time, we may collect general, non-personal, statistical information about the use of the site and the service, such as how many visitors visit a specific page on the site, how long they stay on that page, and which hyperlinks, if any, they “click” on. We collect this information through the use of technologies such as “cookies” and “IP addresses”, which are discussed in greater detail below. We may also group this information into complete visitor data in order to describe the use of the site and service to our existing or potential business partners or other third parties, or in response to a government request. However, please be assured that this complete data will in no way personally identify you, other list members or any other visitors to the site.
IP Addresses
An IP address is a number that’s automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re surfing the web. Web servers, the computers that “serve” web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address. Company collects IP addresses for purposes of system administration, to report aggregate information to third parties and to track the use of the site. When visitors request pages from the site or click on a link in a mailing sent through the service our server’s log the visitors’ IP addresses. We reserve the right to use IP addresses to identify a visitor or list member when it will enhance the users experience or if we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with the site’s policies or to protect company, the site, its visitors, the service, our internet service provider partners, the list members or others.
Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies make web-surfing easier for you by saving your preferences while you’re at the site. The use of cookies is an industry standard — you’ll find them at most websites. For example, we may use cookies on the site to verify the subscriber’s login status. They are not used to store personal information, or to preserve historical or transactional subscriber data. By showing how and when visitors use the site, cookies help us see which areas are popular and which are not. Information such as the total number of visitors and pages viewed is most easily tracked with cookies. We may use the information from cookies to make improvements and updates to the site and to tailor our services to our visitors’, list members’ and survey participants’ needs.
You always have the option of making cookies not useful by using your browser preferences. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to ignore all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, please be aware that some features of the site will not function properly or may be slower if you refuse cookies.
Clear Gifs (Web Beacons / Web Bugs)
Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to find the online movements of web users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly in HTML files and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
We may use clear gifs in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by recipients. This permits us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter or other promotional communications by email, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each communication. Profile We may keep information that we collect through cookies and clear gifs to create a “profile” of your preferences. We may tie your personal information to information in the profile to provide tailored promotions and marketing offers or to improve the content of the site for you. We do not share your profile with third parties.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
Except for the limited situations listed here in this privacy policy, we will not share your personal information with third parties.
Agents and Third-Party Service Providers
To provide the service to you, we may sometimes use other businesses to perform certain specialized services such as data processing or other technology services. In such situations, we may provide your personal information to those businesses, but they are not permitted to retain or use your information for any other purpose.
Change of Control / Asset Transfer
As the company progresses, we may buy other businesses or their assets or sell all or parts of our business assets. Customer information is generally one of the business assets involved in such transactions. Thus, in the situations that the assets of the company in whole or in parts are acquired by a third-party, customer information, including any visitor information collected through the site or the service, would be one of the transferred assets. In the event of a corporate change in control or sale of all or parts of our business assets our users will be notified in accordance with the “changes to this policy” section of the policy if their personal information is provided to the new corporate entity or asset purchaser.
Legal Compliance
Company reserves the right to disclose member information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) company’s rights or property, other visitors, list members, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. Company also reserves the right to disclose visitor or list member information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. Customer Service
Based upon the information you provide us, we will communicate with you in response to your inquiries, to provide the services you request, and to manage your account. We may network with you by email or telephone.